When working with attempts to access akasha fields it can be of use to distinguish between personal and collective akasha-fields. 

In the past I have written about the concept of 'energy signature' which stands for the idea that every single person who lives or has lived (and for that matter will live), has its own unique signature. It is like a unique eternal telephone number which you can dial in order to reach someone's information field. 

Carl G. Jung also mentioned this personal information field as opposed to a more collective akasha field, which he coined 'the Collective Unconscious'.

Is the collective akasha field nothing more than the total of all personal akasha fields, or is there some other kind of ordering principle at work? If you think of the concept of a higher self or perhaps even the concept of a soul group, it might make it possible that these 'higher awareness' groups have the ability to either produce their own group-energy signature, or they have the capacity to easily switch between the incorporated single 'lives' or energy signatures.
Associated phenomena are probably those of twins or people who have been living together for a long time: they seem to have developed the ability to more or less tune into the other's personal 'akasha field' as if they have learned to tune into the frequency or energy signature of the other.
During meditation or perhaps during dream time it is a good idea to ask yourself if you want to focus on your own akashic fields, perhaps that of former lives, or on the fields of other people you know. You can also try to focus on possible group fields (perhaps even egregors!) or you can see if you can access collective information. Some people claim that information can also be stored at certain places or attached to certain objects.

Instead of consciously focusing on certain energy signatures you can also just focus on your heart's consciousness and allow it to simply present that what is the most valuable at that particular moment. 

Recommended: Energy Signature and SSoA

Illustration taken from Personal Life Media